Jul 5Liked by Maia Duerr

Thank you for this! Struggling a bit to find my bearings after the last couple of weeks. Glad I found you here.

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Glad you're here, Andreia.... I have a feeling we're all struggling in various ways right now. take care!

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It's like watching a train crash. You know it's coming and you can't look away. My heart is so heavy with the state of this country. Sadly the white supremest patriarchy is strong. We, the ones who care about equality, bodily autonomy, and love for our communities need to be stronger. Self-care first. I will not let the hate of others close my heart. It feels heavy though.

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Jul 5Liked by Maia Duerr

Thank you for Michael’s message. I hope it reaches the right staff. Better to act now and leave with dignity. I think an important part of aging is acceptance-with as much humor as possible. I also think the Dems need to learn how to mentor younger generations. I could never have the life I do today without it. 🙏🪷

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Oh Maia, I so deeply needed to hear this and feel the peace with which you offered these words. This, "Maturity is always a process of waking up to the delusions we’ve been living with, and being willing to step out of them into something more authentic, even if that path is rocky and uncomfortable." So much yes. And to double down on the physical and mental practice of Ahimsa (non violence) and all our contemplative practices. I too feel in my bones this is what is needed. To go be outside, to wonder in the magic of nature, to feel the love that is infinite and present in the universe. And than you for the reading recommendations. I know, like this piece, they will be a bit of salve on my aching soul. 🙏❤️

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Thanks, Jocelyn. Just to be clear, I have not been floating in all peaceful feelings over the past week, I've felt pretty distressed about it all. But in the end, I know there's not a whole lot I can do that directly impacts this situation, and there is so much we don't know, and practicing with all of this offers some means to a more or less peaceful moment. But really, we're all surfing the waves of the big unknown right now.

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😂 yes, I got that and the beauty of this piece was that you _were_ clear that you’re distressed AND you managed to offer peace that I could feel. I could feel your _offering_ of it. That’s what I was trying to say. And that is just so vital for us to do right now and it was so powerful and appreciated. ❤️

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Yes, thank you for writing this!

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Thank you for linking that Michael Moore piece. I hadn't read it, but now having done so, I think he has something really important to say there. Let's move forward with compassion. I look forward to hearing your future thoughts on where "America" as an entity might go.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Maia Duerr

Maia, Thank you for honestly sharing how disorienting this has all been for you. It has been very stressful for me, too. I think Michael Moore is wrong. Since when is he a medical doctor who can determine that someone has had a stroke via a T.V. screen? I feel traumatized by people like him and the corporate press, who are like a pack of hounds after the prey no matter what the cost because they want to increase their ratings. I'm sick of the exaggerated headlines and the attack on Biden. The man traveled to Europe twice in the two weeks before the debate, and once to LA and back, and he had a cold. I can't think straight when I have a cold, so please, people, have some compassion. My governor, Dr. Josh Green, a medical doctor, participated in the governor's meeting with Biden. He asked Biden about his health and, like the other governors, reaffirmed his support for Biden after that meeting. He spoke of how Biden hugged 300 people in Maui after the Lahaina fire last year and came through with Federal funds to help them. Biden is doing his job as president every day - that's proof enough of his competency for me. I believe he and Jill Biden and the people around the president have integrity and wouldn't lie to us if he was not up to the job and had really had serious medical issues. You have to ask why corporate-owned mainstream media is so willing to take him down. Maybe they want Trump to win. Don't fall into their trap. Whatever happens with Biden, we have the vice-president as a safety net. Please don't be so quick to throw Biden under the bus. Michael Moore is just playing into Maga's hands. We need to be unifying people, not planting seeds of doubt.

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Hi Sandra,

Thank you for your honesty here, and expressing your disagreement with Moore's stance and by extension with mine since I am leaning toward his perspective.

I hope the one thing that those of us in the Never-Trump camp can do is find ways to disagree with each other without devolving into factions or all-out insults. I agree with you, we need to be unifying people and somehow we need to find a way to stand 100% behind whoever the Democratic candidate is, whether that's Biden or someone else. At a certain point, frankly, I don't think it matters who it is as long as that person is basically decent and has a fighting chance of winning the election.

It's interesting to me how differently we are seeing the same situation. I'm not here to argue with you about who has the right and wrong perspective -- just noting where we're coming from. I found Michael's article useful because first and foremost, it was deeply respectful of Joe Biden and what his administration has been able to accomplish, and then second because I saw it as deeply practical. Out of concern for Biden's wellbeing as well as a practical concern for ensuring someone is in the office of president who is capable of fulfilling its duties and who has a fighting chance to beat Trump, the conclusion that Moore and I come to is that it the most compassionate move is to gently support Biden to step aside. I hear that you see that as 'throwing Biden under the bus,' and you reach a different conclusion.

Again, in the end, I think we can both agree that coming into unity to support the Democratic candidate so that Trump cannot take power is the important thing. May we do that, together.

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Maia, Yes, we can agree to support the Democratic candidate! And you’re right; Michael was respectful toward Biden and his multiple accomplishments. But he’s still not a doctor, and it’s irresponsible for him to claim that Biden has had and will continue to have mini-strokes. That puts Moore in a negative light in my eyes and is part of the media frenzy that cares more about ratings than saving democracy. Even if Biden were to step down, they will do the same thing to the next candidate now that they see how lucrative it is. I think Biden has the best chance of winning in November, but I will support whatever Democratic candidate is the nominee. I don’t see any of the people I’m watching on new media suggesting that Biden should step down or question his competency. They are questioning the motivation behind the corporate media frenzy, insisting he should step down. We will see how this evolves. The real danger is the media attempting to control our fate, not Biden. I’ve seen his various talks since the debate, and Biden is as dynamic as ever.

I’m not attached to Biden, but I can’t tolerate the cruelty and injustice of what is occuring.

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Maia, Yes, we can agree to support the Democratic candidate! And you’re right; Michael was respectful toward Biden and his multiple accomplishments. But he’s still not a doctor, and it’s irresponsible for him to claim that Biden has had and will continue to have mini-strokes. That puts Moore in a negative light in my eyes and is part of the media frenzy that cares more about ratings than saving democracy. Even if Biden were to step down, they will do the same thing to the next candidate now that they see how lucrative it is. I think Biden has the best chance of winning in November, but I will support whatever Democratic candidate is the nominee. I don’t see any of the people I’m watching on new media suggesting that Biden should step down or question his competency. They are questioning the motivation behind the corporate media frenzy, insisting he should step down. We will see how this evolves. The real danger is the media attempting to control our fate, not Biden. I’ve seen his various talks since the debate, and Biden is as dynamic as ever.

I’m not attached to Biden, but I can’t tolerate the cruelty and injustice of what is occuring.

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Jul 6Liked by Maia Duerr


Appreciate your words and sharing Michael Moore’s words too. I am struck by the tone of deep care coming from a place of courage and abundance and away from fear and scarcity. Of course the compassionate response is caring for President Biden and wishing him relief from his suffering. Thank you. I will be sending him and his staff, advisors and those in power to see the wisdom of caring for him and our country with the spirit of this attitude. May he rest and be free of harm, safe from danger and feel the support of love and kindness ❤️

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Wise words during turbulent times.

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“a swirl of personal and collective events the last couple of weeks.” I have definitely been experiencing the swirl! Thanks for sharing this, though, straight from the heart :)

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That 4th of July letter by Roshi Joan Halifax was good medicine and so was this whole post. Thanks for the openness.

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